Counselling for the Married

Someone said, “Marriage is six days of excitement and the world’s record for sex…. Five more weeks of getting to know each other, fencing, lunging, pulling back, finding each other’s weaknesses…

After six months, each one has made a decision. Then honeymoon is over, and marriage or divorce begins – until further notice.”

Marriage is both a joy and an agony.

Which way yours is tilted depends on how ‘right’ are you to each other.

That’s what Dr Samantha Joel discovered in her pathbreaking study of 11,500 couples to understand what makes for happy lasting relationships between couples. Read more about it here

My father left my mother and his three children behind to marry his secretary when I was 4. In my two novels, I explored marital relationships in depth. It’s a subject that intrigues me. I believe there is a happier way into a relationship. 

Counselling for the Married
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