Job or work related Counselling

70,000 people rated 38 activities on happiness scale, ranging from happiest to the unhappiest. They rated sex with one’s romantic partner as happiest. Right at the top! By a wide margin.

Down at the bottom, at number 37 – second last – was their job, or studying.

Going to work was rated as the 2nd most unhappiest activity! Below it was being sick in bed, and above it looking after another adult.

Work is the cause of much stress and the most number of heart attacks (there are more heart attacks on Monday morning than any other day of the week. Enough research hasn’t yet been done on Work From Home).

Why is work so despised?

I’ve been on both sides of the aisle – an employee, as well as an employer. 

In more than half the situations, your boss determines how happy you will likely be at work. The next most important reason is how much you like the kind of work you do. Together, these could make work a breeze, or a drudgery.

The challenges an employer faces are quite different. The biggest one is to find the right employees – skilled enough, interested, and with a good attitude. Next is to keep them motivated.

The level of stress entrepreneurs go through is quite extraordinary. A LinkedIn post from a start-up founder sums it up beautifully – ‘When I wake up in the morning, I believe I can change the world. But when I end my day, I hear myself say – it was better perhaps to have never left my last job.

Job or work related Counselling
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