Strange statement! Considering that cabin bag invariably rests overhead, literaly just over our seats. Also, we Indians are up from our seats the moment plane comes to a […]
Why the medical insurance for poor is anti-poor?
I have Rs.500,000 medical insurance coverage for my family of three for nearly 8 years now. The last renewal cost me 14K. Fortunately, or shall I say unfortunately, […]
Sachin: The world’s greatest one-day cricketer. And why?
In February 2002, he was judged by Wisden to have played the best One Day International (ODI) innings of all time. In December 2002, he was chosen by […]
Damn Diesel! Or Diesel Darling!
I lament why has the government increased diesel price by Rs.5? Instead, it should have increased it by Rs.20, and then rolled it back to Rs.17. And the […]
You slap me, I slap you back!
Our class teacher in standard II and IV was a gentleman whom we addressed as Mr. Vohra (fellow FAPSians may recall him). He was a midget of a […]
Friends are fine, but can we really help a stranger?
We jump to help a friend, even before we hear him or her say ‘help’! But a stranger? I’ve discovered something called Rang De. Called social investment, it […]