My favorite restaurant serves good food, gives me nice service. Yet, I seem to be preferring its competitor more often. Because it gives better food or service, or […]
What a fine dine restaurant can teach an insurance company about customer loyalty?
A fine dine restaurant’s recipe for success is centered around great food and excellent ambience. Right? Well, not entirely. Only the restaurants that are exceptionally attentive to customers […]
Little nudges that bring new customers in droves
Paypal in its early days offered each customer a credit of $20 into her account every time a friend of her’s opened a Paypal account. Friends too received […]
How to run a successful customer referral program – 2
No successful business has been built without strong customer referrals. Though technology has made the process of soliciting and rewarding referrals as easy as can get, participation even among happy customers has declined. Learn how to use a customer referral program to build a successful business
To refer or not to refer: Does an incentive help?
No successful business has been built without strong customer referrals. Though technology has made the process of soliciting and rewarding referrals as easy as can get, participation even among happy customers has declined. Why?
Learn Customer Engagement from the World’s Greatest Salesman
Joe was 38 years old. Unsuccessful, unemployed, a failure in over 40 different jobs he tried from age 9 onwards, from shining shoes to building and selling flats. […]