Use the internet to make your company more visible at very little cost and even lesser time. If you are a small services company like mine, you are […]
Referrals build business. Any doubts?
If your customers aren’t referring you, you are in serious trouble! Sooner, rather than later, your business could fold up.
On the other hand, if lots of customers are referring you, I’d like to invest in your company, as both you and your company would end up as millionaires.
There’s a lot you can do to make your customers refer you. And you should.
Are those who fly the richest in India?
Agreed there’s a lot of ‘substance’ down there at the bottom of the pyramid. But marketers will do better if they keep your sights up, on to the top of the pyramid.
So you want to launch a loyalty programme…
( I wrote this in July, 2005. My colleague Pabitra Chatterjee had helped me improve it) Why do you want to launch a loyalty card programme? Because if […]
The “I love you” strategy
Did you know that more than two-thirds of your customers could leave simply because you didn’t show them you care! Since there is no better or cheaper way to run a business than with loyal customers, here are a few ways to let your customers know that you love them
A tale of three CEOs
You have to learn to delegate. It’s probably the most important thing that you can do for the survival of the company you founded. (Published in Inc. India, […]